Tips for Balancing Your Checkbook
Successful checking account management will reduce the chance of checking account fraud, non-sufficient funds (NSF) occurrence – or “bouncing” a check – and late payments, all of which can negatively affect your reputation and harm your credit record.
This sample worksheet includes the basic information that appears on the checking account reconcilement worksheet (back of statement.) Follow these steps for balancing your account.
- Record the balance from your statement.
- List deposits not credited to your account as of the statement’s posting date.
- Add the outstanding deposits listed in Step 2 to the statement balance in Step 1 for a subtotal.
- Subtract the total of outstanding checks that you have written but have not yet been debited from your account.
- The resulting figure is your ending balance. This balance should agree with the ending balance in your register.
Checkbook Out of Balance?
If you try these suggestions and your account is still out of balance, call Southeastern Ohio Credit Union at toll-free 1-800-357-8586 or locally at 740-432-0430 or 740-373-3681.
- Did you enter all ATM and other electronic transfers in your register?
- Did you write checks around the statement date that have not cleared?
- Did you make deposits around the statement date that were not recorded?
- Did you deduct all service charges?
- Did you forget to record any checks or deposits?
- Do all check and deposit figures match those in your statement?
- Did you forget to deduct cash you received back on deposits?
- Did you double-check your addition and subtraction?
- Did you accurately carry forward correct balances after each transaction?